I can't see my students on the Reports table
When I view User Reports, my students aren't appearing in the table
If you are the role of Counselor in the Awato system, the admin tables will be filtered down to the students assigned to you be default. This means that if the student is not assigned to you, they will not appear in the table immediately.
To solve this, you must either assign the student to yourself via User Management or remove the View Own Students filter at the top of the table

The View Own Students filter is not applied and I still do not see my student
Your student may not be a part of your organization's system yet. Re-invite your student to join your organization's Awato system
I watched the student complete their assessment, so I know they are in the system, but they still don't show up in the reports
The student is likely registered on Awato, but not in your specific system. For more on this issue, please visit this link.