How to Leave a Document Suggestion

Navigate to the Document Tracking Page

The URL is

Select Document

  1. Locate the user whose document needs to be reviewed. The search bar located above the document tracking table can be used to assist in finding the user.   
  2. Click on the table row associated with the user. This will expand the table row and allow you to view the selected user's documents. 
  3. Find the document that needs to be reviewed. 
  4. After finding the document, click on the expand button at the right side of the documents table row.

Select a Document Section

  1. Select a section of the document to leave a suggestion on. 
  2.  Clicking on a section will highlight the section and give you additional options for adding sections, removing sections and leaving suggestions.
  3.  Click on the suggestions icon located to the left of the remove icon at the bottom right of the highlighted section. Clicking on the suggestions icon will open a form above the document.

Write a Suggestion

  1. Write your suggestion in the Suggestion text area. 
  2. After writing your suggestion click the Save button to save your suggestion. The save button is located directly below the text area. 
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