How can Coordinators Receive Student WBL Applications?

In this article you will learn:

  1. How to set a Work Based Learning coordinator contact
  2. What receiving a student WBL application request looks like
  3. What receiving a student request for more info looks like

How to set a Work Based Learning coordinator contact

Step 1: Login with your administrator account.

Step 2: Go to the program settings page by clicking the gear icon in the left hand navigation bar.

Step 3: Scroll down the Program Settings page until you find the Work Based Learning Contact section.

Step 4: Enter the email of a counselor in your Awato program. As you type their email, their name should appear. Click on their name from the drop down menu, then select Add Contact. 

Step 5: Add multiple contacts if desired.

Step 6: Optionally, you can remove a contact by clicking on the "Remove X" option next to the added contact's name.

What receiving a student WBL application or information request looks like 

Step 1: Your students can submit WBL applications or information requests through the opportunities' detail page. For more information on these actions, visit our student guide on How to Apply to Work Based Learning Opportunities.

Step 2: If a student has submitted an application request, you will receive an email to the Work Based Learning Contact set up in our first section. The email will contain:

  • Student's name
  • Student's email
  • Link to the opportunity within the Awato system
  • The message the student attached to their application request
  • Downloadable attachments to any documents a student uploaded to their application

With this information, you can further guide the student on next steps, or forward the information to employers for further consideration.

Step 3: Alternatively, a student can submit a request for more information. This request will contain:

  • Student's name
  • Student's email
  • Link to the opportunity within the Awato system
  • The message the student has sent asking for additional information

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