v5.17 Release Notes

🗒️ Summary

Version 5.17    |    04/24/2020

Happy Friday! After gathering some feedback, we discovered that our users were a little lost once they got into the application. So today we're releasing a major update to our onboarding flow to guide our users through their time with Awato. In addition to several small changes to reduce the burden of registration and login, we've created a new onboarding task list feature that will direct users to each action in Awato, and check off their progress as they go.

🎉 What’s new

  • A helpful Awato task list is now available to help guide users to their next actions within the application and congratulate them on completion!
  • A fancy welcome display will appear for first-time users to point them in the right direction
  • A dedicated help and support page inside of the Awato application

💪 What’s better

  • Updated our storage method of emails to be case insensitive. This will help to prevent errors when a user who has registered using an email with capital letters attempts to login using the same email without capital letters
  • Updated our password requires to be visible!! It also tells you which requirements you've met as you type
  • We've included a Show/Hide button on the password field to allow users to check on whether they've made a typo or not
  • Updated our text field stylings to help users identify the clickable areas
  • Updated our Login and Registration pages to have distinct URLs to allow users to link directly to either

🛠️ What's fixed

  • Fixed an issue that caused users to be logged out with force, unexpectedly
  • Fixed an issue that caused sidebar navigation on some pages to not behave appropriately
  • Fixed an issue where our helpscout button was hiding navigation
  • Fixed an issue where our embed interactions counter didn't actually... count

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