How to Change User Roles

Follow the instructions below to learn how to change the roles and permissions of the users in your program. After reading this article, you will be able to make Users into Counselors, Program Admin, and Program Owners.

Changing User Roles

Navigate to the User Management Page

The URL is

Select a User

  1. Find the user you that would like to change roles for.
  2. Click on the table row associated with the user to activate a modal with information about the selected user.

Change Roles

  1. Use the role checkboxes to select which role or roles you would like this user to have. This input is directly below the email address.
  2. After the roles have been selected click the Done button. This button is located at the bottom of the modal on the right side. Clicking the Done button will change the user to the desired role, granting the feature permissions that come with it. To learn more about Awato's roles and their permissions, read our article Roles and Permissions.

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